Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Rainbow Block

Rainbow Block

Hi all Minecraft fans! Today, entering the Minecraft world, and also interacting with stark blocks, you will not build any structure as usual. Instead, you are invited to join in a puzzle game which requires the speed of your fingers; its name is Rainbow Block. That sounds interesting! Get excited with the game now, all players! The final aim of players is to destroy colored blocks before they touch the top. After a certain amount of time, a line of blocks will be added from the bottom. If they are soon exploded, they will hit the white line at the top, and the game will stop at once. The best method to remove them is to drop your blocks of the same colors onto them. However, if their colors are not matched, they will be swapped together. Don't hesitate any more! Enjoy Rainbow Block to check the speed of your fingers right now!

How to play:

Rainbow Block is experienced by using the left mouse.

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